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Pole Tricks Workshop mit Jade am 01.02.2019

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Flyers and Rollers: This workshop explores the difference between sassy and classy. We will be playing around with these two themes while we execute pole tricks on the floor and in the air. There will be games and group activities, so suite up with your most banging pole gear and get ready to feel utterly fabulous. (Need: optional pole heels, grip) Kurssprache Englisch. Dieser Workshop ist ab Level 2 geeignet. Max. 2 Personen pro Pole.

Deine Trainerin: Jade

Jade Juniper from New Zealand has been a contemporary dancer for 10 years, and travelled the world performing with different schools in a variety of styles. Only in 2014 she stumbled upon a pole dancing studio in New Zealand and her obsession was born. She came 1st runner up in Freestyle at Polestarz NZ 2016, and the following year won 1st place in Pole Artistry.

Termin: 01.02.2019 von 18:45h-20:15h

Kosten: €39,-


ÜBRIGENS: Ab März unterrichtet Jade eine reguläre Pole Tricks Stunde im Studio ELODIE Tanzbewegung. Für 3 Monate wird sie hier sein. Der Kurs findet donnerstags um 19:30h statt.

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